Ger’s Learning Notes #45: Rest & reflection time

3 Aug, 2022| Ger Driesen| 4 min read

Can you believe that we’re already in the second half of 2022?! Like in many sports, it is good to have a break halfway through the game. Not just to rest a bit, but also to reflect and adjust your strategy on how to reach your goals.

You might know the expression ‘The cobbler’s children have no shoes’. It means that professionals are often so busy serving others that they don’t pay attention to their own needs. As a learning professional, you’re likely busy supporting others with their learning journeys, but how about your own development? So, this episode of the learning notes is dedicated to you.

This fourth episode with Patrick Jane is a special one for me. During a job interview many years ago, I was asked what my first action for that company would be. My answer was: ‘Place a Patrick Jane couch close to this department’. I didn’t get the job, but not because of that answer, and I’m still convinced it would have been a great intervention.

I hope this episode will inspire you to find some time for rest and reflection to help you re-adjust for the second half of the year and to pay attention to your own well-being and development.

For those of you who live in the Northern Hemisphere: enjoy the summer! For those of you who live in the Southern Hemisphere: relax, a new spring is on its way!

The real reason why we are tired and what to do about it - by Saundra Dalton Smith

What’s it about?

Sandra Dalton Smiths explains that sleep and rest are not the same thing, and that there are seven types of rest.

Why watch it?

  • Learn about the seven types of rest.

  • Check for yourselves which kinds of rests you need more of.

  • Try to build some routines in your daily life so you have sustainable approaches to get the rest you need.

Where to find it?

Why space for reflection is critical in learning and development - by Nigel Paine

What’s it about?

Nigel Paine sees positive developments in that learning has become a more important function in many organisations. To benefit from this opportunity, learning professionals should be cautious to not fall into the ‘frantic drive to do stuff’ pitfall.

Why read it?

  • His analysis of how and why you might get trapped in the ‘frantic drive to do stuff’ pitfall is very clear and useful.

  • Make use of the three practical tips that Nigel Paine explains to you to avoid this pitfall.

  • By applying this, learning professionals can be role models for other professionals and managers in organisations to apply reflection more often.

Where to find it?

Rest it not idleness - by the Association for Psychological Science

What’s it about?

This article explains that our brains are doing hard and important work in the moments we consider ourselves being idle.

Why read it?

  • This article is from 2012 but is still very (perhaps, even more!) relevant today.

  • It explains what kind of important work our brains can do when we create idle time.

  • Understand why this is not only important for our own wellbeing, but also a crucial component when it comes to learning!

Where to find it?

Patrick Jane explains why he needs a couch to do his work - scene of The Mentalist season 6, episode 11

What’s it about?

In the TV series ‘The Mentalist’, Patrick Jane helps the FBI to solve crimes. He does so by lying down on the couch after visiting a crime scene to be able to connect the dots and solve the case.

Why watch it?

  • Learn why Patrick Jane needs a couch at work and how he explains it.

  • We do have a couch at the aNewspring office, and it’s no problem to rest there during work. Do you have/need a couch in your office?

  • Think of the couch as a metaphor and about the best metaphorical alternative for a real couch at work if you can’t get a real one. And be sure you get it!

Where to find it?

Learning trend catcher Loves to connect

Ger Driesen

Would like a direct brain-internet connection. Loves connecting people, ideas and inspiration in the global learning community.

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