Ger’s Learning Notes #50: Celebrating episode 50
At aNewSpring, we are quite good at celebrating. It is embedded in our culture and a clear starting point for the company. So, we measure and steer on the objective of reaching goals together while having fun.
We never waste an opportunity to celebrate a special occasion. Releasing Learning Notes #50 is such an opportunity, of course. Please allow us to be a bit self-centred this time while we provide you with a bit of insight into the world of the Learning Notes. But let’s first start with the most important message: Thank you, readers!
Did you know our top-five subscribers based on country are the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Africa, USA and Belgium? And that we have subscribers from 59 different countries? Enough about us and back to you. Of course, we also want to reach out to you because we want to continue towards #100!
You can help me by sharing your thoughts, wishes and needs, so I can include them in upcoming episodes. What topic is high on your agenda these days? What kinds of resources do you appreciate the most? Remember that the Learning Notes are only relevant and meaningful for us to continue if they are relevant and meaningful for you. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts.
What’s it about?
We want to know what, to you, are the most important topics and resources to be covered in our upcoming episodes.
What to share?
Let me know the topics that are high on your agenda, so I can cover them.
Let me know what kinds of resources you like the most: thought-provoking or practical? Text, video or podcasts? Or a good blend of all of these?
Let me know any other thoughts and ideas on how to make the Learning Notes more valuable for you!
Where to find it?
What’s it about?
I had a conversation with my former colleague, Corjan Bast, who, in fact, is the founding father of the Learning Notes.
Why watch it?
Learn why Corjan thought it was a good idea to start with the Learning Notes and if he thinks it still is.
Listen to the fun parts of working on the Learning Notes.
Corjan always comes up with great ideas related to marketing. Benefit from this, because like we always say: he’s simply the Bast!
Where to find it?
What’s it about?
I create the Learning Notes as ‘raw material’, which is later processed and put online by my wonderful colleagues. Special thanks to Callista, Kelly and Famke for doing their magic!
What to write to them?
That you like the language, structure and styling of the Learning Notes.
That you wish you had colleagues like them.
Also just a kind ‘thank you’ will be highly appreciated.
Where to find them?
On LinkedIn: Callista, Kelly & Famke
Via email:
What’s it about?
In this video, you can watch me struggle behind the scenes and see a bit of the (my) process of putting together every episode of the Learning Notes.
Why watch it?
Tune in to experience a bit of the vibe.
Discover one of the secret ingredients to make it all happen (hint: it’s black, hot, liquid and comes in mugs).
You might not notice it, but I really love to work on the Learning Notes. It also helps me learn about the content that I curate and share every time.
Where to find it?