Moos + Spike

"This blended learning course that has been developed will elevate the level of knowledge across the Netherlands on this incredibly important topic."
With the blended learning in palliative care for people with Parkinson's disease, Moos + Spike has created an excellent didactic learning experience for caregivers.
This learning journey was presented during the 2020 aNewSpring Awards.

This learning journey addresses challenging (taboo) questions such as: what if you can not cure your patient? How should you, as a caregiver, handle palliative care? What should you consider when someone passes away? These are difficult topics that are often consciously or unconsciously avoided. Thorsten Blokzijl of Moos + Spike guides the visitors through the learning journey, which was developed in collaboration with patients, bereaved families, caregivers, researchers and Moos + Spike themselves
The result
A blended learning approach was chosen, where participants begin with a pre-test to determine their knowledge level. This is followed by e-learning, which includes various videos, animations, and information on laws and regulations. Participants are also invited to a regional meeting and the learning journey concludes with a final test, after which a certificate is awarded.
This learning journey lasts approximately 300 hours in total and is accredited, allowing every ParkinsonNet caregiver to participate for free.