
Practical training to independently identify and resolve bottlenecks

"Improvement is about practice, which is why we aim to create a practical programme." With the Self-Improvement learning journey, Voluyt demonstrates that organisations are capable of enhancing their performance themselves.

During the 2020 aNewSpring Awards, attendees were guided through this learning journey.

The learning journey

Independent in your own work environment

More about Voluyt

Lifelong learning and working are made tangible in Voluyt's learning journey, according to Joost Vollering. The beauty of this learning journey lies in the combination of didactic theoretical application and proven successful practice.

The DMAGIC® method (Define/Measure/Analyse/Generate/Implement/Control) is taught online, and learners are guided step-by-step through the process. In practice, this enables them to independently identify and solve issues within their own work environment.

The success of this learning journey is evident from the fact that a new one has also been developed for the managers of these learners.

The result

Voluyt has demonstrated how they enable learners to identify and solve issues within their own work environment. By also placing more emphasis on 'lifelong learning', they have managed to engage a target audience that did not focus on this aspect previously.

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