Help us improve the aNewSpring platform!

We have a panel of people who would like to share their opinions to help us deliver (even) better results in our projects. And you're welcome to join!

Our goal... to find a diverse group of people who we can contact about our findings and ideas during design projects. All we ask is a little bit of your time and your perspective on what can be improved. With your input, we can give the platform a boost!

But what’s in it for me?

We can think of a few of reasons, like the opportunity to tell us what you like and dislike. Your experience and insights will guide us towards better solutions, and you'll be a part of helping people work better in aNewSpring.

Sounds good, I want to participate!

We would love to have you onboard! Fill in the form that includes how we can reach you and which areas you’re interested in. It won't take more than two minutes.

You’ll receive your first invite for a design research session as soon as we start a project that matches your interests!

Do you still have questions?

Check out the FAQ below to see if we have an answer your question there already.

Fill in the form!

Frequently asked questions