Roy's Training Improvement Café
Welcome to Roy's Training Improvement Café. We currently don't have any new editions scheduled and are contemplating how we can improve the format to make it even more valuable for you.
We had a blast during the first four editions of the Training Improvement Cafe in 2023. We also learned that we can improve to make it even more valuable for you. We're currently working on the next iteration and intend to plan a new series of TIC's as soon as possible.
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Past editions of the Café
Edition 4: learning from your learners
Watch as Roy and Linda share their recap of the special Christmas Edition, all about learning from your learners to keep improving.

Edition 2 about AI in practice
The 2nd edition was all about exchanging tips & tricks on how to use AI to make your work as a learning professional easier and better.

Edition 1 with Carla Steenbeeke
Want to get a little taste of what to expect during the Café? Check out Roy's Recappuccino from the first edition.