Offer rich learning journeys at scale...

...with the learning journey platform for training providers. Delight your learners with engaging blended, adaptive, hybrid or full e-learning courses that stick.

Guide your learners

All activities in a single timeline that navigates your learners from start to finish.

Build once, use often

Stop duplicating: use the same content in multiple courses, manage in one place.

Take the brakes off

Packed with features to serve as many learners you want with better training.

Create with a rich toolbox

Build courses the way you want

Migrate the old, create the new and curate the external! Pick the right content to develop a cohesive learning journey, re-use it with ease and manage all of it efficiently in your content libraries.

More about creating courses
Deliver your training at scale

Offer it anytime and anywhere

Publish your learning journeys through catalogues, with flexible and efficient learner enrollment and management. And do so in any way! Deliver the same course in multiple visual identities and more.

More about delivering your courses
Help and coach for optimal results

Support learners in their journey

Make a real difference for learners by helping them succeed. Keep their motivation up with an intuitive timeline, personalised learning goals and tools for proactive intervention.

More about helping learners learn
Measure and improve results

Keep improving your training

Commit to continuous improvement by measuring results. Collect relevant data and get insights through reports and feedback. Find out how to make your training better and stand out from your competitors.

More about measuring and improving

“I'm incredibly excited about aNewSpring. It's just what I need to run my training courses. The platform is user-friendly and most important of all: when I need help, I receive a response from the helpdesk within 24 hours.”

Karin de GalanOwner of School for Training
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