Roy's Recappuccino #1

My mission at aNewSpring is to connect and inspire like-minded learning pioneers. And that’s exactly what I tried to achieve with our first edition of the Training Improvement Café.
Listening to the participants, they really had fun together and had valuable conversations amongst fellow learning pioneers, after listening to Carla Steenbeeke’s inspiring story on how set up their blended learning journeys.
In this first edition of Roy's Recappuccino I’d like to share with you our “gold beans” and some "improvement shots" lovingly shared by our participants: people to follow, books to read and topics to cover.
I hope this little shot with a blend of insightful beans will energise you as much as it did me.
Make sure to sign-up for the next edition, coming to you live on October 20th!
Hope to see you there, and keep on improving!
Gold Beans
Bean 1: A thorough blueprint is key to a successful learning program
While it takes a lot of discipline and patience to not jump right into the development stage, putting together a thorough plan before you start pays off.
Bean 2: Defining the right learning goals is a challenge
Defining the right learning goals based on the input of your stakeholders is no walk in the park. They are usually capable of phrasing generic learning outcomes, but they’re usually not that great at formulating specific and tangible learning objectives. It takes a lot of going back and forth and of your creativity as a learning designer to make sure the goals are solid enough to build on.
Bean 3: Finding the right balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be difficult
Learning happens when people have the right mindset. With extrinsic triggers like PE-points to be earned or activity conditions before you get your certificate, it's always a challenge to know whether the learning results are achieved. When learners are more intrinsically motivated, the chances that they are able to apply what they learned in practice are probably higher.
Café shots
Books to read
Some great book recommendations by our café participants.

Daring Greatly
This book delves into the importance of vulnerability and how it can lead to stronger connections, creativity, and courage.

Design for how people learn
Discover how to use the key principles behind learning, memory, and attention to create materials that enable your audience to both gain and retain the knowledge and skills you're sharing.
People to follow
Who are the café participants following for inspiration?

Karin de Galan (Dutch)
Karin trains trainers and shares a lot of practical tips to keep improving your training.

Simon Sinek
Simon's posts and videos often provide valuable perspectives that can inspire personal growth. participant also recommended to follow Ger Driesen and yours truly but it would be a bit strange to include that, right? Or not?🤭